window.resources = {"EmptyMoodboard":"Please add items to your Moodboard to view it.","NoOrderFound":"No order has been found. Please try again.","BasketFull":"Your Basket is full.","NotLoggedIn":"Please login to do this action.","ShareMoodboardEmpty":"Please add items to your Moodboard before sharing.","ItemHasNoSamplePrice":"This Item cannot be added to the Basket.","SaveBeforeShare":"Please save your Moodboard before sharing.","RemovedFromMoodboard":"Item has been successfully removed from your Moodboard.","InvalidBasketCookie":"Invalid Basket. Please try again.","MoodboardNotFound":"Moodboard or Product not found.","SaveMoodboardEmpty":"Please add items to your Moodboard before saving.","BasketUpdated":"Your basket has been updated","ItemAlreadyInBasket":"Item is already in your Basket.","MoodboardRenamed":"Moodboard has successfully been renamed to:","InvalidMoodboardCookie":"Invalid Moodboard. Please try again.","MoodboardsTitle":"Moodboards","NewMoodboardCreated":"New Moodboard has been created successfully.","AddedToMoodboard":"Item has been added to your Moodboard successfully.","ItemExistsMoodboard":"Item already exists in your Moodboard.","NotYourMoodboard":"This Moodboard does not belong to this user.","AddedToBasket":"Item has been added to your Basket.","GenericError":"We apologise for the inconvienice, but we seem to have encountered a technical problem with your order."}